A collection of anti-federalist pamphlets written between 1787-88 by Elbridge Gerry, Noah Webster, John Jay, Melancthon Smith, Pelatiah Werster, Tench Coxe, James Wilson, John Dickinson, Alexander Contee Hanson, Edmund Randolph, Richard Henry Lee, George Mason, and David Ramsay. The essay attributed to Gerry was in fact written by Mercy Otis Warren. The table of contents:
GERRY, ELBRIDGE. Observations on the New Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions. By a Columbian Patriot
WEBSTER, NOAH. An Examination into the leading principles of the Federal Constitution By a Citizen of America
JAY, JOHN. An Address to the People of the State of New York, on the subject of the Constitution. By a Citizen of New York.
SMITH, MELANCTHON. Address to the People of the State of New York. By a Plebeian.
WEBSTER, PELATIAH. The Weakness of Brutus exposed, or some remarks in vindication of the Constitution. By a Citizen of Philadelphia.
COXE, TENCH. An Examination of the Constitution of the United States of America. By an American Citizen
WILSON, JAMES. Speech on the Federal Constitution, delivered
in Philadelphia.
DICKINSON, JOHN. Letters of Fabius on the Federal Constitution.
HANSON, ALEXANDER CONTEE. Remarks on the Proposed Plan of a
Federal Government By Aristides.
RANDOLPH, EDMUND. Letter on the Federal Constitution.
LEE, RICHARD HENRY. Observations of the System of Government proposed by the late Convention. By a Federal Farmer.
MASON, GEORGE. Objections to the Federal Constitution.
IREDELL, JAMES. Observations on George Mason’s Objections to the Federal Constitution By Marcus.
RAMSAY, DAVID. An Address to the Freemen of South Carolina on the Federal Constitution. By Civis.