
  • The Creation of the Presidency, 1775–1789

    by Charles C. Thach, Jr.

    Fresh from a battle against monarchy, the American Founders were wary of a strong executive, but they were equally conscious that unchecked legislative power risked all the excesses of democracy. Creating an effective executive who did not dominate the legislative body posed a significant challenge. In The Creation of the Presidency, 1775–1789, Charles Thach’s lucid analysis reveals how these conflicting…

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  • The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century

    by Hugh Trevor-Roper

    The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century collects nine essays by Trevor-Roper on the themes of religion, the Reformation, and social change. In his longest essay, “The European Witch-craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” Trevor-Roper points out that “in England the most active phase of witch-hunting coincided with times of Puritan pressure—the reign of Queen Elizabeth and the period of…

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  • The Crisis

    by Neil L. York

    The Crisis was a London weekly published between January 1775 and October 1776. It was the longest-running weekly pamphlet series printed in the British Atlantic world during those years, and it used unusually bold, pithy language. Neither the longevity of the effort nor the colorful language employed would be reason enough to collect and print all ninety-two issues under one…

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  • David Hume: Prophet of the Counter-revolution

    by Laurence L. Bongie

    Though usually Edmund Burke is identified as the first to articulate the principles of a modern conservative political tradition, arguably he was preceded by a Scotsman who is better known for espousing a brilliant concept of skepticism. As Laurence Bongie notes, “David Hume was undoubtedly the eighteenth-century British writer whose works were most widely known and acclaimed on the Continent…

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  • De la religión considerada en sus fuentes, formas y desarrollo

    by Benjamin Constant

    Presentación de Tzvetan Todorov, Étienne Hofmann Traducción de Agustín Neira Las investigaciones sobre la religión acompañaron a Benjamin Constant (1767–1830) durante más de cuarenta años, a pesar de inevitables interrupciones, debidas a la existencia agitada del hombre político, del periodista y del pensador. Obra de una vida, aunque muy pronto caída en el olvido, De la religión combina la afirmación…

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  • Debt and Taxes

    by James M. Buchanan

    While this volume presents the important writings of James M. Buchanan on taxation and debt, Geoffrey Brennan makes it clear in the foreword that the thrust of Buchanan’s work in this area has been to integrate theories of taxation and debt with public-expenditure theory. Therefore, the editors strongly urge that the present volume on taxation and debt be read in…

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  • The Declaration of Independence in Historical Context

    by Barry Alan Shain

    An excellent addition to anyone’s primary source collection, the documents presented in this edition serve to understand the Declaration and the Revolutionary War against the backdrop provided by the hundreds of continental-level congressional state papers––declarations, petitions, resolutions, and proclamations––and the debates and correspondence of those in attendance at the first national congresses.

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  • The Demand and Supply of Public Goods

    by James M. Buchanan

    Public-goods theory constituted a major element in James M. Buchanan’s research agenda throughout the 1960s. The Demand and Supply of Public Goods is a major part of that work. At the time that Buchanan was elaborating on his theories of public goods, the prevailing trend in public economics was the emergence of public-expenditure theory, which attempted to form a comprehensive…

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  • Democracia e Liderança

    by Irving Babbitt

    Prefácio Russell Kirk Tradução Joubert de Oliveira Brízida Quando Democracia e Liderança foi publicado em 1924, o crítico Herbert Read afirmou, com justiça, que a motivação de Irving Babbitt (1865–1933) era “o restabelecimento de padrões humanistas no lugar das confusões utilitárias humanitárias ou românticas”, então muito em voga. O livro tornou-se um marco do pensamento político moderno, o mais representativo…

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  • Democracy and Leadership

    by Irving Babbitt

    Irving Babbitt was a leader of the intellectual movement called American Humanism, or the New Humanism, and a distinguished professor of French literature at Harvard. Democracy and Leadership, first published in 1924, is his only directly political book, and in it he applies the principles of humanism to the civil social order. Babbitt offers a compelling critique of unchecked majoritarianism…

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  • Democracy and Liberty

    by William Edward Hartpole Lecky

    “When democracy turns, as it often does, into a corrupt plutocracy, both national decadence and social revolution are being prepared.” So wrote the Irish-born historian W. E. H. Lecky (1838–1903) in this devastating assault on mass democracy.

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  • Democracy in America / De la démocratie en Amérique

    by Alexis de Tocqueville

    In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont visited the United States. From Tocqueville’s copious notes of what he had seen and heard came the classic text De la Démocratie en Amérique, published in two large volumes, the first in 1835, the second in 1840. The first volume focused primarily on political society; the second, on civil…

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