Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers
by M. J. C. Vile
In Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers, M. J. C. Vile traces the history of the doctrine from its rise during the English Civil War, through its development in the eighteenth century—through subsequent political thought and constitution-making in Britain, France, and the United States. M. J. C. Vile is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Kent at…
Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern
by Charles Howard McIlwain
Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern explores the very roots of liberty by examining the development of modern constitutionalism from its ancient and medieval origins. Derived from a series of lectures delivered by Charles Howard McIlwain at Cornell University in the 1938–39 academic year, these lectures provide a useful introduction to the development of modern constitutional forms. Charles Howard McIlwain won the…
Contra Keynes and Cambridge
by F. A. Hayek
Contra Keynes and Cambridge is composed of three parts: Part I consists of two essays, the first being a recollection by Hayek of his time at the London School of Economics in the 1930s, followed by his contribution to an early debate about the paradox of saving; Part II reprints the full debates between Hayek and Keynes in Economica in…
A Conversation with Anna Schwartz (DVD)
by Anna Schwartz
In one of the most long-lasting and influential careers in economics, Anna Schwartz has made profound contributions to statistics, economic history, monetary policy, and international monetary arrangements. Coauthor with Milton Friedman of A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960, Schwartz transformed our understanding of the causes of the Great Depression and radically altered our outlook on the effects of…
A Conversation with Anthony de Jasay (DVD)
by Anthony de Jasay
Anthony de Jasay is among the most original and independent thinkers on the relationship between the individual and the state. Through his published works he has challenged the reigning paradigms justifying modern democratic government. His deeply challenging theoretical works include The State, published in 1985; it is an analysis that views the state as acting primarily in its own interests…
A Conversation with Armen A. Alchian (DVD)
by Armen A. Alchian
Armen A. Alchian is one of the twentieth century’s great teachers of economic science and the co-author, with William R. Allen, of the classic textbook University Economics. Born in 1914 in Fresno, California, he studied at Stanford, finishing his Ph.D. dissertation in 1943. He became a full professor at UCLA in 1958. He is known as the founder of the…
A Conversation with Arnold Harberger (DVD)
by Arnold Harberger
Distinguished Professor of Economics at UCLA and the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in Economics at the University of Chicago, Arnold C. Harberger has been a dominant force in the development of global economic policies. From India to Chile, from Panama to Azerbaijan, Harberger’s research and on-the-ground engagement with leaders of finance, industry, and government…
A Conversation with Ernest van den Haag (DVD)
by Ernest van den Haag
Ernest van den Haag was born in Holland and came to the United States in 1940. He has published a number of works, including The Fabric of Society; The Jewish Mystique; and Political Violence and Civil Disobedience. In 1975, he published Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question, which established van den Haag as one of the leading…
A Conversation with Forrest McDonald (DVD)
by Forrest McDonald
One of the most original and influential historians writing on the American founding period, Forrest McDonald speaks here about his life and the development of his work. In candid reflections, McDonald analyzes his intellectual formation in Texas in the 1950s and how he came to write his landmark We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution, which upset the…
A Conversation with Gary S. Becker (DVD)
by Gary S. Becker
Gary Becker is one of the most original and pathbreaking economists in recent times. When he was named the 1992 Nobel laureate in Economic Sciences, it was for “having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to a wide range of human behaviour and interaction, including nonmarket behaviour.” Becker’s work led directly to the development of “human capital” theory and the…
A Conversation with George W. Carey (DVD)
by George Carey
One of the most influential contributors to American political thought in the last half-century, George W. Carey speaks here about some of his primary and abiding concerns, including: the foundations of political order, the origins and intent of the American republic, and the ultimate crisis of “derailment” befalling the republic. Author of The Federalist: Design for a Constitutional Republic and…
A Conversation with Harold Demsetz (DVD)
by Harold Demsetz
A professor at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago in the 1960s and a primary figure in the Chicago School of Economics and in the field of Law and Economics, Harold Demsetz has contributed original research on the theory of the firm, regulation in markets, industrial organization, antitrust policy, transactions costs, externalities, and property rights. A…
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