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#WealthOfTweets in the Classroom
This resource uses Twitter-length statements as a tool to better understand the complex text in Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations and to practice the process of distilling complex ideas into concise statements to improve communication and understanding.
Reading Between the Lines in Adam Smith
Daniel B. Klein for AdamSmithWorks April 7, 2021
“De Escocia a Buenos Aires: A. Smith, J. H. Vieytes y la importancia del interés personal”
Alvaro Perpere Viñuales for AdamSmithWorks800px-Hipólito_Vieytes_postcard.jpg 54.95 KBMarch 24, 2021
From Scotland to Buenos Aires: Adam Smith, Juan Hipólito Vieytes, and the Role of Self-Interest
Alvaro Perpere Viñuales for AdamSmithWorks Hispanic culture did not seem very compatible with this praise of self-interest, which at first glance sounded excessively selfish and contrary to the religious moral maxim to love thy neighbor.