Activity: The Rule of Law and government officials
Use this quotation from Adam Smith's The Theory of Moral Sentiments to discuss the rule of law and different paths to power.
Use this quotation from Adam Smith's The Theory of Moral Sentiments to discuss the rule of law and different paths to power.
Use this quote from The Theory of Moral Sentiments to start a discussion with your class about happiness, needs, wants, and gratitude.
Self-interested behavior, according to Smith, encourages the virtue of prudence. This quotation can be used to launch a discussion into what constitutes prudence, whether self-interested behavior really does encourage it, and what personal prudence might do for society as a whole.
Use Adam Smith's famous quotation about benevolence to introduce to your class the concept of the merits of competition, the benefits of trade, and producer self-interest, the profit motive, and how these benefit consumers.
Maryann Keating for AdamSmithWorksDecember 15, 2021
On the friendship between David Hume and Adam Smitha play by Duane Kelly
Erik Matson for AdamSmithWorksNovember 18, 2021Honest commerce serves our own interests. But how does it relate to the duties of beneficence or serving the good of others?