
Our economics collection showcases classic works in the discipline. Many of our titles explore how economic reasoning applies to political science and other social sciences, as well as the relevance of economics as moral philosophy. A consistent theme is the view that economics is the study of human choice and its consequences, both intended and unintended.

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  • The Rationale of Central Banking

    by Vera C. Smith

    The Rationale of Central Banking was first published in England in 1936. Vera Smith spent her professional career in a variety of research positions. She wrote articles and books on money, banking, economic development, and the labor market and translated into English books by Wilhelm Röpke, Oskar Morgenstern, and Fritz Machlup. This book provides a scholarly review and judicious assessments…

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  • The Reason of Rules

    by Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan

    In his foreword, Robert D. Tollison identifies the main objective of Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan’s The Reason of Rules: “. . . a book-length attempt to focus the energies of economists and other social analysts on the nature and function of the rules under which ordinary political life and market life function.” In persuasive style, Brennan and Buchanan…

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  • Reflections on Ethics, Freedom, Welfare Economics, Policy, and the Legacy of Austrian Economics

    by Israel M. Kirzner

    Reflections on Ethics, Freedom, Welfare Economics, Policy, and the Legacy of Austrian Economics comprises a variety of Kirzner’s essays on social thought. Kirzner’s intellectual interest and theories go beyond market process and entrepreneurship: they encompass several important topics that are vital to the existence of human societies. Kirzner’s work, at heart, is not prescriptive but analytical. His work is not…

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  • The Rent-Seeking Society

    by Gordon Tullock

    The fifth volume in The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock consists of six parts, each part expounding on a separate component of the field. Part 1, “Rent Seeking: An Overview,” brings together two papers that focus on problems of defining rent-seeking behavior and outline the nature of the ongoing research program in a historical perspective. Part 2, “More on Efficient…

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  • The Representation of Business in English Literature

    by Arthur Pollard

    In The Representation of Business in English Literature, five scholars of different periods of English literature produce original essays on how business and businesspeople have been portrayed by novelists, starting in the eighteenth century and continuing to the end of the twentieth century. The contributors to Representation help readers understand the partiality of the various writers and, in so doing,…

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  • The Roots of Capitalism

    by John Chamberlain

    Capitalism is a system that can stand on its own attainments, says John Chamberlain, and he offers here a fast-paced, provocative look at the intellectual forces and practical accomplishments that have created American capitalism. In clear, unequivocal language he discusses the ideas responsible for our economic institutions, the originators of these ideas, and the times in which they first became…

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  • The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock

    by Gordon Tullock

    During the past half-century Gordon Tullock continually advanced the frontiers of political economy, most particularly with respect to the workings of representative democracies and of autocracies. This ten-volume series, edited and arranged thematically, brings together Tullock’s most significant contributions to economics, political science, public choice, sociology, law and economics, and bioeconomics. Scholars will undoubtedly find the extensive breadth and depth…

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  • The Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology

    by F. A. Hayek

    Hayek was one of the leading voices in economic and social theory; however, he also wrote on theoretical psychology. The Sensory Order, first published in 1952, sets forth his classic theory of mind in which he describes the mental mechanism that classifies perceptions that cannot be accounted for by physical laws. Although The Sensory Order was not widely engaged with by either psychologists…

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  • Social Contract, Free Ride

    by Anthony de Jasay

    Social Contract, Free Ride is a cogent argument that strikes at the very foundations of traditional economic apologies for coercive action by the state to fulfill necessary public utility. Anthony de Jasay is an independent theorist living in France.

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  • The Social Dilemma

    by Gordon Tullock

    The Social Dilemma reflects Tullock’s contributions to areas of public choice that typically are ignored by mainstream scholars, who tend to focus on cooperative, democratic states. Tullock explores instead the workings of the dictatorial state and the economics of war between nations. Gordon Tullock is Professor Emeritus of Law at George Mason University, where he was Distinguished Research Fellow in…

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  • Social Justice and the Indian Rope Trick

    by Anthony de Jasay

    Anthony de Jasay is arguably one of the most influential independent thinkers and libertarian political philosophers of our time. Through his writings, he challenges the reigning paradigms justifying modern democratic government, providing an antidote to the well-intentioned yet, in Jasay’s opinion, naive expansion of state power furthered by much of modern thought today. In this collection of witty and compelling…

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  • Socialism

    by Ludwig von Mises

    More than thirty years ago F. A. Hayek said of Socialism: “It was a work on political economy in the tradition of the great moral philosophers, a Montesquieu or Adam Smith, containing both acute knowledge and profound wisdom. . . . To none of us young men who read the book when it appeared was the world ever the same…

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