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Conference | Economics

Hayek on Individual Liberty and the Market Economy

Although he is one of the most important classical liberal thinkers of the twentieth century, Hayek is not well known or read in Latin America. In this colloquium we read selections from some of Hayek's most well-known books and articles for a Latin American audience.

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Conference | History

Liberty and Responsibility in the American Anti-slavery Movement

This conference explored the role that the ideas of liberty and responsibility played in the elaboration and articulation of the American antislavery movement. In particular, the conference addressed several broad questions: To what extent was the American antislavery movement a product of notions of liberty, freedom, and responsibility, or were…

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Conference | Theology & Philosophy
Conference | Fine Arts

Meaning and Liberty in Vietnam War Films

The conference explored several films on the Vietnam War to ask questions about American popular attitudes toward the war, the effects of those attitudes on American culture and politics, and how those perceptions informed people's sensibilities about freedom and responsibility generally.

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Conference | Education
Conference | Political Theory

Equality and Liberty in Tocqueville and Rousseau

Via a reading of key texts by Tocqueville and Rousseau, this conference explored the relationship between liberty and equality as revealed through history, as played out in political life, and as manifested in the entanglements between politics and religion in the modern world.

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Conference | Education
Conference | Theology & Philosophy
Conference | Law

Law, Liberty, and Custom in James C. Carter

The chief American advocate of historical jurisprudence is James C. Carter, who defended the common law of New York State from David Field’s scheme for codification. He sought successfully to preserve legal traditions and the spontaneous growth of these traditions from radical Benthamite schemes to supplant legal tradition with a…

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Conference | Political Theory