The Intellectual Portrait Series presents in-depth conversations with some of the world’s leading academics in economics, political thought, law, and more. Liberty Fund also makes available detailed educational documentaries on Adam Smith and F. A. Hayek and features historical overviews of the Industrial Revolution, Hong Kong, and the Constitution of the United States.
A Conversation with Milton Friedman (DVD)
by Milton Friedman
Recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Milton Friedman has long been recognized as one of our most important economic thinkers and a leader of the Chicago school of monetary economics. A senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution since 1977, he is also the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University…
A Conversation with Paul W. McCracken (DVD)
by Paul W. McCracken
Paul W. McCracken’s influence on how we think about economic policy has reached from the academy to the popular press to the highest reaches of government. He served as a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors under President Eisenhower and as its Chairman under President Nixon. He was also a member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board…
A Conversation with Ralph McInerny (DVD)
by Ralph McInerny
Ralph McInerny is among the most noted Catholic philosophers and authors of our day. He has taught at the University of Notre Dame since 1955, and since 1978 has been the Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies. He also serves as Director of the Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame. McInerny has written a number of important works on…
A Conversation with Richard Cornuelle (DVD)
by Richard Cornuelle
Richard Cornuelle has greatly impacted how we think about voluntary institutions in the United States. Through such works as Reclaiming the American Dream and De-Managing America, and through his work with the Foundation for Economic Education and the Volker Fund, he has called important attention to the needs and possibilities of those organizations that exist to address social problems through…
A Conversation with Richard Ware (DVD)
by Richard Ware
A self-described “broker of ideas,” Richard Ware has been deeply influential in his role as a discoverer and supporter of intellectuals interested in the foundations of a free society. During World War II, Ware served with the lend/lease administration in the Pentagon. Following the war, he began work with the Earhart Foundation, becoming President and Trustee of the Foundation in…
A Conversation with Ronald H. Coase (DVD)
by Ronald H. Coase
Ronald H. Coase received the 1991 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. His articles “The Problem of Social Cost” and “The Nature of the Firm” are among the most important and most often cited works in the whole of economic literature. He has taught at the University of Chicago since 1964 and was editor of the very influential Journal of Law…
A Conversation with Sir Alan Walters (DVD)
by Sir Alan Walters
As economic advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Sir Alan Walters was an important figure in the transformation of economic policy, and resulting unprecedented boom, that took place in the United Kingdom during the 1980s. Walters also served as an economic advisor to Prime Minister Edward Heath and has served as an advisor to the World Bank. He has…
A Conversation with Steve Pejovich (DVD)
by Steve Pejovich
One of the most dynamic and insightful theorists writing on property rights, Svetozar “Steve” Pejovich reflects here on his experience in economics. With characteristic sagacity and humor, he demonstrates the power that empirical cases can bring to bear on theoretical problems. Born in Belgrade, Pejovich is Professor Emeritus at Texas A&M University, where he taught for over twenty years, and…
Design for Liberty (DVD)
by Liberty Fund
This DVD, using pictures and quotations from the Founding period of the United States, discusses the idea of liberty as it was understood by the revolutionary generation and how the concern for the preservation of liberty culminated in the writing of the Constitution in 1787. The DVD brings the story to life and introduces the viewer to the sights of…
Hayek and the Fate of Liberty in the Twentieth Century (DVD)
by Kenneth Minogue
In celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of Friedrich von Hayek’s birth, Liberty Fund and the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago present The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek, a DVD series of seven lectures from outstanding scholars of Hayek’s work. The host and moderator for the lectures is the Chairman of the Committee on Social Thought,…
Hayek, Practitioner of Social Justice (DVD)
by Michael Novak
In celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of Friedrich von Hayek’s birth, Liberty Fund and the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago present The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek, a DVD series of seven lectures from outstanding scholars of Hayek’s work. The host and moderator for the lectures is the Chairman of the Committee on Social Thought,…
Hayek, Radical Reactionary (DVD)
by Lord Ralph Harris
In celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of Friedrich von Hayek’s birth, Liberty Fund and the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago present The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek, a DVD series of seven lectures from outstanding scholars of Hayek’s work. The host and moderator for the lectures is the Chairman of the Committee on Social Thought,…
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