Political Theory
Liberty and Authority in the Thought of Robert Bellarmine
Conferees examined political and religious liberty and authority in the thought of Catholic theologian and philosopher Robert Bellarmine as presented in On Temporal and Spiritual Authority, a selection of his works published by Liberty Fund.
Conference Readings
Bellarmine, Robert. On Temporal and Spiritual Authority. Edited by Stefania Tutino. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2012.
Filmer, Sir Robert. Patriarcha and Other Writings. Edited by Johann P. Sommerville. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Edited by Edwin Curley. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994.
Sidney, Algernon. Discourses Concerning Government. Edited by Thomas G. West. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1996.