Journalism and Liberty
This colloquium inquired into the role of journalism as a promoter of liberty by looking more precisely at the functioning of the press and media as markets.
Conference Readings
Coase, Ronald. “The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas.” The American Economic Review 64, no. 2 (1974): 384-391.
Friedrich, Carl. Constitutional Government and Democracy. Oxford: Ginn and Company, 1946.
Glasser, Theodore L, “Objectivity and News Bias” In Philosophical Issues in Journalism, edited by Elliot D. Cohen, 176-183. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Habermas, Jurgen, “The Public Sphere” In Media Studies: A Reader, edited by S. Seidman, 92-97. compiled by Paul Marris and Sue Thornham. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Hamilton, James T. All the News that's Fit to Sell. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.
Horn, Karen, “A Market Like Any Other” In Independent Review, V. XIII No. 1, Washington, D.C.: The Independent Institute, 2007. 27-46.
Kelley, David and Roger Donway, “Liberalism and Free Speech” In Democracy and the Mass Media, edited by Judith Lichtenberg, 66-101. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Lazarsfeld, Paul F. and Robert K. Merton, “Mass Communication, Popular Taste and Organized Social Action” In Media Studies: A Reader, edited by Lyman Bryson, 18-30. compiled by Paul Marris and Sue Thornham. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Lippmann, Walter. Liberty and the News. Piscataway: Transaction Publishers, 1995.
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, “The Best Profession in the World” In The World Bank: The Right to Tell, Washington, D.C.: WBI Development Studies, 2002. 249-254.
Murdock, Graham, “Concentration and Ownership in the Era of Privatization” In Media Studies: A Reader, compiled by Paul Marris and Sue Thornham. New York: New York University Press, 2006. 142-155.
Patterson, Thomas E. Doing Well and Doing Good: How Soft News and Critical Journalism Are Shrinking the News Audience and Weakening Democracy- And What New Outlets Can Do About IT. Boston: The Joan Shorenstein Center, 2000.
Popper, Karl. In Search for a Better World. London: Routledge, 1994.
Stiglitz, Joseph, “Transparency in Government ” In The World Bank: The Right to Tell, Washington, D.C.: WBI Development Studies, 2002. 27-44.
Sutter, Daniel. “Can the Media be so Liberal? The Economics of Media Bias.” Cato Journal 20, no. 3 (Winter 2001): 431-451.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1990.
Weissberg, Robert, “The Real Marketplace of Ideas” In Critical Review 10, No. 1, Helotes: Critical Review Foundation, 1996. 107-121.