
James Buchanan’s “Logic of Constitutional Liberty”


This conference marked two occasions: the tenth anniversary of the first volume in the Liberty Fund publication of the Buchanan series, and Buchanan's own ninetieth birthday. Rather than a simple retrospective of Buchanan’s most famous writings, the colloquium included some newer materials, to reflect Buchanan's continuing engagement and the development of his thought.


From Liberty Fund

The Logical Foundations of Constitutional Liberty

by By James M. Buchanan
Foreword by Geoffrey Brennan, Hartmut Kliemt, and Robert D. Tollison

The thirty-one papers presented in this volume offer scholars and general readers alike a comprehensive introduction to the work of one of the greatest economists of the modern era. Many of Buchanan’s most important essays are gathered in this inaugural volume of the twenty-volume series from Liberty Fund of his…

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Additional Readings

Buchanan and Yoon. "Globalization as Framed by the Two Logics of Trade." Independent Review 6 (2005): 399-405.

Buchanan and Yoon. "Public Choice and the Extent of the Market." Kyklos 61 (2008): 176-188.

Buchanan, James. "Let Us Understand Adam Smith." Journal of the History of Economic Thought 30, no. 1 (March 2008): 21-28.

Buchanan, James. "In Search of Homunculus Politicus." Public Choice (August 2008): 469-474.

Buchanan, James. “The Soul of Classical Liberalism.” The Independent Review V, no. 1 (Summer 2000): 111-119.

Buchanan, James. "Generalized Increasing Returns, Euler's Theorem, and Competitive Equilibrium." History of Political Economy (1999): 511-523.

Buchanan, James. "The Economics and Ethics of Idleness." American Journal of Economics and Sociology 60 (2001): 181-192.

Buchanan, James. “Game Theory, Mathematics, and Economics.” Journal of Economic Methodology 8, no. 1 (March 2001): 27-32.

Buchanan, James. "Direct Democracy, Classical Liberalism, and Constitutional Strategy." Kyklos 54, no. 2/3 (2001): 235-242.

Buchanan, James. "The Market, Yes; Demos, No." Cato Journal (2005): 461-464.