History and Classical Liberalism in the Work of Ezequiel Gallo
This conference explored a selection of Ezequiel Gallo's writings on history and classical liberalism. Gallo's analysis of Argentina's economic history has been greatly influenced by the tradition of spontaneous order. Gallo has also offered insightful reflections on the tradition of classical liberalism in general, and on its origin and development in Argentina in particular.
From Liberty Fund
Liberal Thought in Argentina, 1837–1940
Edited and with an Introduction by Natalio R. Botana and Ezequiel Gallo
Translated by Ian Barnett
Liberal ideas were very important in Argentina from the time of independence. The Argentine constitution (1853–60), in force for a long time, was based on liberal principles taken from both the North American and the European tradition.
The general structure of the collection is chronological, taking the reader through an…
Additional Readings
Gallo, Ezequiel. "Agrarian Expansion and Industrial Development in Argentina (1880-1930)." (Manuscript, May 1970).
Gallo, Ezequiel. Vida, Libertad y Propiedad. Buenos Aires: Eduntref, 2008.
Gallo, Ezequiel. La Pampa Gringa. La Colonización Agrícola en Santa Fé (1870-1895). Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 2004.
Gallo, Ezequiel. Colonos en Armas. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2007.
Gallo, Ezequiel. Carlos Pellegrini. Order y Reforma. Buenos Aires: Fondo De Cultura Economica, 1997.
Gallo, Ezequiel. Alem. Federalismo and Radicalism. Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 2009.
Watkins, Melville. “A Staple Theory of Economic Growth.” The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science XXIX, no. 2 (May 1963): 141-158.