Freedom, Prosperity, and Heroic Entrepreneurship in Economic Debate
The role of entrepreneurs in fostering economic growth and prosperity is seldom contested, and the important role of heroes, or “great men,” in history is widely acknowledged. But are these two concepts one and the same? Ought entrepreneurs to be regarded not as rapacious profiteers, but rather akin to classical heroes? Is it possible to divorce entrepreneurship from freedom and responsibility? These are the key questions this colloquium explored.
Conference Readings
Allan Bloom. Love and Friendship. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.
Allen, Candace. “The Entrepreneur as Hero.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. (12/22/2006).
Bacon, Francis. The Advancement of Learning. Unknown: Unknown, Unknown.
Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis (1626). Unknown: Unknown, Unknown.
Barro, Robert. “Bill Gates' Charitable Vistas.” Wall Street Journal Online (June 2007): 2-4.
Bhidé, Amar and Carl Schramm. “Phelp's Prize.” The Wall Street Journal Online (January 2007): A16.
Brower, Brock. “Chez Chanel.” Smithsonian 32, no. 4 (July 2001): 60-69.
Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History. Unknown: World Wide School Library, 1841.
Carnegie, Andrew. “Wealth.” Furman University. (February 24, 2012).
de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. Translated by Gerald E. Bevan. New York: Penguin Books , 2003.
Formaini, Robert L. “The Engine of Capitalist Process: Entrepreneurs in Economic Theory.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (2001): 2-10.
Gertrude Himmelfarb. "Heroes and Antiheroes Survive the Millennium's Dawn." The Chronicles of Higher Education (January 2000): 1-3. (accessed ).
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. The Philosophy of History. Translated by J. Sibree. New York: Dover Publications, 1956.
Hemingway, Mark. “Warriors for Hire: Blackwater USA and the Rise of Private Military Contractors.” The Weekly Standard 012, no. 14 (December 2006): 181-188.
Hume, David. Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary. Edited by Eugene F. Miller. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1987.
Kirzner, Israel. Discovery, Capitalism, and Distributive Justice. Oxford: Blackwell, 1989.
Knight, Frank H. Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit, 1st Edition. Boston: Hart, Schaffner & Marx; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1921.
Light, Ivan Hubert and Carolyn Nancy Rosenstein. Race, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship in Urban America. Piscataway: Transaction Publishers, 1995.
Nash, Ronald H. “In Praise of the Heroic Entrepreneur.” Action Institute. (3/19/2008).
Phelps, Edmund S. “Dynamic Capitalism: Entrepreneurship is Lucrative- and Just.” The Wall Street Journal Online (October 2006): 2-5.
Pogue, Dennis J.. “Shad, Wheat, and Rye (Whiskey): George Washington, Entrepreneur.” Archaelogy Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, January 2004.
Postrel, Virginia. “The Nail File: The Economic Meaning of Manicures.” Reason Magazine (October 1997): 1-4.
Postrel, Virginia . “Electoral Beauty Myths.” Reason Magazine (December 2000): 1-3.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. “Commonwealth Club Address September 23, 1932 .” (12/24/2006).
Rousseau, J. J. The Social Contract and The Discourses. Translated by G. D. H. Cole. New York: Everyman Library, 1993.
Scahill, Jeremy. “Bush's Shadow Army.” The Nation. (3/26/2008).
Schumpeter, Joseph. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. New York: Harper Collins, 1962.
Schumpeter, Joseph A. The Theory of Economic Development (4th Printing). Translated by Redvers Opie. New York: Oxford University Press (A Galaxy Book), 1965.
Smiles, Samuel. Self-Help: With Illustrations of Character and Conduct (1859). Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2011.
Stiles, Ezra. “George Washington as Entrepreneur and Hero.” "The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor." A Sermon Preached by Ezra Stiles, D.D., President of Yale College, before the Governor and General Assemby of the State of Connecticut, Connecticut, May 8, 1783.
Wolfe, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: Harper Perennial, 2002.