Freedom, Development, and Poverty
In Latin America, poverty and critical social inequalities have been constant problems since even before those countries’ independence. Using the elimination of poverty and social inequality as justification, some governments in the region are taking measures against the private sector, reducing freedom within mass-media, culture, education, and, of course, within the political sphere. This conference, held in Venezuela, discussed economic development in Latin America.
Conference Readings
Revista Esudios Públicos No. 96. Mauricio Rojas. "Suecia después del modelo sueco: del Estado benefactor a la sociedad del bienestar". Editado por Centro de Estudios Públicos. Santiago de Chile, 2004.
Políticas Liberales Exitosas: Soluciones pensando en la gente. Rigoberto Stewart: "Reformas y prosperidad en Asia y Gran Bretaña". Fundación Atlas Editorial. Buenos Aires, 2005.
Barro, Robert J. and Xavier Sala-i-Martin. Economic Growth. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.
Eiras, Ana Isabel. The Road to Prosperity. Edited by Marc A. Miles. USA: Heritage Books, 2004.
Montaner, Carlos Alberto. No perdamos también el siglo XXI . South America: Plaza & Janes Editores, 1997.
Norberg, Johan. En defensa del capitalismo. Spain: Unión Editorial, 2005.
Rangel, Carlos. El Tercermundismo. Venezuela: Monte Ávila Editores, 1982.
Roll, Richard. The Road to Prosperity. Edited by Marc Miles. USA: Heritage Books, 2004.
Sen, Amartya. Desarrollo y Libertad. Barcelona: Planeta Editorial, 2000.
Yeatts, Guillermo M. . Raíces de pobreza: Las perversas reglas de juego en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Abeledo-Perrot Editorial, 2000.