Essaying Liberty in Hume’s “History of England” from the Commonwealth to the Glorious Revolution
This conference examined Hume's History of England covering the period from the Commonwealth to the Restoration to the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The history readings were paired with appropriate selections from Hume's Essays.
Conference Readings
Hume, David. The History of England: The Last Stuarts and the Glorious Revolution, Volume VI. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985.
Hume, David. Essays: Moral, Political and Literary. Edited by Eugene F. Miller. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985, 1987.
Jefferson, Thomas. “Letter to William Duane Monticello [August 12, 1810] .” National Archives "Founders Online" Project. http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-05-02-0231 (Accessed March 22, 2016).