
Critics and Defenders of the Modern University


This conference considered the role of the university in a free society with special attention toward the role of academic freedom, the effect of specialization on liberal education, the relationship between liberal education and a free society, and the kind of culture and the conception of citizenship that is promoted by this education.


Conference Readings

Bloom, Allan. Gigantes y enanos [1990]. Buenos Aires: Gedisa, 1999.

Bok, Derek. Más allá de la torre de marfil. La responsabilidad social de la universidad moderna [2002]. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Palermo, Colección de Educación Superior, 2009.

Collini, Stefan. What are Universities For? London: Penguin, 2012.

Nussbaum, Martha. Sin fines de lucro. Por qué las democracias necesitan de las humanidades [2010]. Buenos Aires: Katz, 2010.

Ortega y Gasset, José. Obras Completas, tomo IV. Madrid: Taurus, 2006.

Polanyi, Michael. La lógica de la libertad [1951]. Buenos Aires: Liberty Fund / Katz, 2009.

Shils, Edward. The Virtue of Civility: Selected Essays on Liberalism, Tradition and Civil Society [1989]. Edited by Steven Grosby. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1997.