British Sources of American Constitutionalism
This conference explored theoretical sources of the American constitutional order by drawing upon British thinkers and Montesquieu's account of the English constitution's division of powers.
Conference Readings
Cato. Cato’s Letters or Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious, and Other Important Subjects, Volume One. Edited by Ronald Hamowy. Compiled by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, Inc., 1995.
Cato. Cato’s Letters or Essays on Liberty, Civil and Religious, and Other Important Subjects, Volume Two. Edited by Ronald Hamowy. Compiled by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, Inc., 1995.
Hume, David. Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary. Edited by Eugene F. Miller. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985.
Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Edited by C. B. Macpherson. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1980.
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat. The Persian Letters. Translated by George R. Healy. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1999.
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat. The Spirit of the Laws. Translated by Anne M. Cohler, Basia Carolyn Miller, and Harold Samuel Stone. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Paine, Thomas. Common Sense. Edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin Classics: London, 1976.