Behavioral Law and Economics
This symposium explored the legal implications of the rise of behavioral law and economics, particularly in relationship to ways in which those disciplines seek to justify governmental or other intrusion into individual decision-making.
Conference Readings
Cooper, James C. and William E. Kovacic. “Biased Regulators and Antitrust Policy.” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.
McChesney, Fred S. “Behavioral Economics: Old Wine in Irrelevant New Bottles?.” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.
Skeel, David A. “Behaviorism in Finance and Administrative Law.” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.
Ulen, Thomas S. “Behavioral Law and Economics: Law, Policy, and Science.” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.
Wright, Joshua D. and Douglas H. Ginsburg. “Behavioral Law and Economics: Its Origins, Fatal Flaws, and Implications for Liberty.” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.
Zywicki, Todd. “The Behavioral Law and Economics of Fixed Rate Mortgages (And Other Just-So Stories).” Liberty Fund Behavioral Law and Economics Symposium, Captiva, Florida, February 2-5, 2012.