Co-Sponsored Conferences

Co-sponsored programs combine Liberty Fund's extensive experience in conference development with the expertise and networks of our co-sponsors.

Man sitting on sofa reading a book in a cozy loft apartment

Liberty Fund and its co-sponsoring institutions conduct educational programs to advance the exploration of liberty and the ideal of a free and responsible society.

Liberty Fund’s professional staff develops and approves the intellectual content of all co-sponsored conferences, while its co-sponsors take responsibility for the administration, participant selection, and overall execution of the programs. Programs feature text-based discussion but may also feature lectures, panel presentations, curriculum demonstrations, and more.

Participants at co-sponsored programs are typically graduate students, young professionals, and academics.

Co-Sponsoring Organizations

Ashbrook AU Color
Bill of Rights Institute Logo
Acton Logo
IHS Logo Stacked
TFAS Stacked B&W
ISI Logo Vertical FullColor CMYK Uncoated
mercatus center
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