The Truth of the Christian Religion with Jean Le Clerc’s Notes and Additions
By Hugo Grotius
Translated by John Clarke (1743)
Edited and with an Introduction by Maria Rosa Antognazza
Grotius’s The Truth of the Christian Religion was first published in Leiden in 1627 in Latin. Written in plain and direct language for his countrymen, this short work aimed to show those who would encounter pagans, Muslims, and Jews that the Christian religion was the true revealed religion. In addition to “fortifying” the beliefs of his fellow Christians, the treatise intended to convince non-Christians of “the reasonableness of believing and embracing the Christian Religion above any other.”
Hugo Grotius (1583–1645) was a lawyer and legal theorist, diplomat and political philosopher, ecumenical activist and theologian.
Maria Rosa Antognazza is Professor of Philosophy and Department Head at King’s College London.
Sep 2012 | 6 x 9 | 392 Pages
Editor's introduction, editor's annotations, note on the text, list of authors and works cited by Grotius and Le Clerc, index.
978-0-86597-514-9 Hardcover978-0-86597-515-6 Paperback