Political Economy and Freedom
A Collection of Essays
By G. Warren Nutter
Edited by Jane Couch Nutter
Foreword by Paul Craig Roberts
These thirty-three essays, many of them previously unpublished, illustrate the broad range of Warren Nutter’s thought. There are essays on the Soviet economy and international relations as well as essays exploring the economic institutions that support a society of free people.
One finds in these essays a man of intellect and judgment ever ready to look at the evidence and ever willing to admit imperfections of even the best human institutions. He defends capitalism not because it is perfect but because for this imperfect world it is superior to the attainable alternatives.
G. Warren Nutter (1923–1979) taught economics at the University of Virginia.
Paul Craig Roberts is a distinguished fellow at the Cato Institute.
Apr 1983 | 6 x 9 | 328 Pages
Foreword, introduction, bibliography, index.
978-0-86597-024-3 Hardcover978-0-86597-025-0 Paperback