On Temporal and Spiritual Authority
On Laymen or Secular People
On the Temporal Power of the Pope. Against William Barclay
On the Primary Duty of the Supreme Pontiff
By Robert Bellarmine
Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Stefania Tutino
Robert Bellarmine was one of the most original and influential political theorists of his time. His writings present coherent definitions of the nature and aim of temporal authority and its relationship to spiritual authority.
This fresh translation will be interesting to a wide readership of both scholars of political thought and the educated general public.
Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621) was a Jesuit cardinal.
Stefania Tutino is a Professor of History and Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Apr 2012 | 6 x 9 | 516 Pages
Editor's introduction, annotations, notes on the translation, biographical notes, abbreviations and frequently cited works, index of works cited by Bellarmine, bibliography, index.
978-0-86597-716-7 Hardcover978-0-86597-717-4 Paperback