Letters 1819–1821
By David Ricardo
Edited by Piero Sraffa with the Collaboration of M. H. Dobb
This period of Ricardo’s life witnessed his entrance into Parliament as a member of the House of Commons where he became an influential advocate of free trade through his opposition to Britain’s restrictive “Corn laws.”
These letters preserve the intellectual give-and-take on many of the political economic issues of Ricardo’s age. The list of these eminent correspondents includes:
T. R. Malthus (1766–1834), an eminent economist, was a professor of History and Political Economy at the East India Company Haileybury College.
Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) was the leading philosopher of utilitarianism.
Jean Baptiste-Say (1762–1832) was a businessperson who became interested in economics and went on to provide significant contributions to the field, most notably Say’s law of markets.
Oct 2004 | 6 x 9 | 412 Pages
Volume 8
Calendars for 1819-1821, index of correspondents, 1819-1821.