An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature

By Nathaniel Culverwell
Edited by Robert A. Greene and Hugh MacCallum
Foreword by Robert A. Greene


An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature is a concerted effort at intellectual mediation in the deep religious dispute of the English civil war in the seventeenth century. On one side was the antinomian assertion of extreme Calvinists that the elect were redeemed by God’s free grace and thereby free from ordinary moral obligations. Opposite to that was the Arminian rejection of predestination and assertion that Christ died for all, not just for the elect.

Robert A. Greene is Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.

Hugh MacCallum was Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Toronto.


Mar 2002 | 6 x 9 | 271 Pages

Foreword, annotations, index.


978-0-86597-327-5 Hardcover
978-0-86597-328-2 Paperback