Responsibility in the Thought of Lord Salisbury, Auberon Herbert, and William Hurrell Mallock
One part of the conservative tradition sees the state as a powerful agency of responsible change, while another part of the conservative tradition prefers a minimalist state to safeguard individual freedom and sets its sights on a "property-owning democracy," low taxation, and civil society (what the British have termed the "Big Society" as opposed to a "Big State") that emphasizes personal and family responsibility. This colloquium examined some of the historical influences on conservative thought.
Conference Readings
Herbert, Auberon. The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State and Other Essays. Edited by Eric Mack. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1978.
Herbert, Auberon. “Under the Yoke of the Butterflies.” Fortnightly Review (October 1891): 487-500 and 551-555.
Mallock, William Hurrell. The New Republic. London: Chatto and Windus, 1882.
Mallock, William Hurrell. Classes and Masses. San Francisco: BiblioLife, 2008.
Mallock, William Hurrell. Property and progress, or, A brief enquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1884.
Mallock, William Hurrell. A Critical Examination of Socialism. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1989.
Thatcher, Margaret. “My Kind of Tory Party.” Daily Telegraph (January 1975): 16-19.
Thatcher, Margaret. “Dimensions of Conservatism.” Iain Macleod Memorial Lecture, Caxton Hall, London, July 4, 1977.
Thatcher, Margaret. “Why democracy will last.” The Second Carlton Lecture, Carlton Club, St. James, Central London, November 26, 1984.
Third Marquis of Salisbury. Lord Salisbury on Politics: A selection from his articles in the Quarterly Review, 1860-1883. Edited by Paul Smith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Third Marquis of Salisbury. “The Past and Future of the Conservative Party.” Quarterly Review 127 (1869): 547-561.