Justice and Its Surroundings
By Anthony de Jasay
Anthony de Jasay breaks new ground with Justice and Its Surroundings—a collection of trenchant essays that seek to redefine the concept of justice and to highlight the frontier between it and the surrounding issues that encroach upon it and are mistakenly associated with it.
This straightforward and terse book analyzes the roles of collective choice, redistribution, and socialism and the claims that would enlist justice in their service.
Anthony de Jasay is an independent theorist living in France.
Aug 2002 | 6 x 9 | 351 Pages
Introduction, works cited, index.
978-0-86597-977-2 PaperbackThis site uses local and third-party cookies to maintain your shopping cart and to analyze traffic. By closing this banner or clicking any link in this page, you agree with this practice.OKPrivacy policy